TransJus Working Papers Publications is a digital platform for the online publication of original working papers.Transjus Working Papers are instruments for the dissemination of high quality research within legal and politological fields which cover a wide range of issues regarding our five research areas.



TransJus WPP





Notes is a free format of publication through which scholars can disseminate technical reports and speakers of academic events organized by the TransJus can provide additional details on the arguments addressed by encouraging further reflections.




TransJus Notes





The TransJus Blog is a digital platform that collects the chronicles on the accademic events organized by the TransJus as well as news related to the Institute and its research areas.

The publication is open to TransJus members, professors, students of the Faculty of Law UB and to anyone else who wishes to collaborate with us. More info:

TransJus Blog









Title: "El derecho, la ciudad y la vivienda en la nueva concepción del desarrollo urbano"


Authors: Juli Ponce Solé, Wellington Migliari and Oscar Capdeferro Villagrasa


Year: 2019

Publisher: Atelier

Language: spanish

ISBN: 9788417466596


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Title: "Lugares de culto, ciudades y urbanismo. Guía de apoyo a la gestión de la diversidad religiosa". Second Edition


Authors: Juli Ponce Solé and José Antonio Cabanillas


Year: 2019

Publisher: Observatorio del Pluralismo Religioso en España

Language: Spanish

ISBN: 978-84-615-1996-5


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Title: "Pobreza energética: regulación jurídica y protección de los derechos de las personas"


Editors: TransJus and FMC


Year: 2018

Publisher: FMC

Language: Spanish and Catalan

ISBN: 9788487286629


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Title: "La llei del dret a l´habitatge de Catalunya: deu anys de vigència. Balanç i futur"


Editors: TransJus and Observatori DESC


Year: 2018

Publisher: Aranzadi

Language: Catalan

ISBN: 9788491777076


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Title:"La ley del derecho a la vivienda de Catalunya: diez años de vigencia. Balance y futuro"


Editors:TransJus and Observatori DESC


Year: 2018

Publisher: Aranzadi

Language: Spanish

ISBN: 9788491778769


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Title: "Empleo Público, Derecho a una Buena Administración e Integridad"


Editor: Juli Ponce Solé


Year: 2018

Publisher: Instituto de Administración Pública & Tirant Lo Blanch

Language: Spanish

ISBN: 9788491908388


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Title: "Law, Society & Institutions: a transdisciplinary perspective"


Editors: Zaidan, D.; Migliari, W.; Palma, M. & TransJus


Year: 2018

Publisher: Lumen Iuris Direito

Language: English

ISBN: 9788551911136


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Title: "Marco de Evaluación de la Normativa en materia de Planeamiento Urbanístico"


Editors: UN-Habitat & TransJus


Year: 2018


Language: Spanish


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